About Dailen Alvarez


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Meet Dailen

Real Estate Advisor | Se Habla Español / English spoken


Hello, I am Dailen, and it would be a pleasure for me to accompany you on this journey to sell or buy your property, I am from Cuba, I arrived in the United States a little over 10 years ago with a suitcase full of dreams and hope, one of them was to buy me my first house, although since I was a girl, I had always been passionate about the real estate market. Even when the internet did not exist, I spent hours going through magazines and enjoying the wonders that man has been able to build over the years.
I love that process of construction and renovation, of bringing life to a property that has lost its shine. Then I obtained my real estate license! I can help you get your house in the simplest way possible, being objective and transparent in the process. I am supported by this wonderful team of professionals who are stars in the market.
I have 2 children 5 and 7 years old who draw my days of joy and thanks, I love spending time with my family and enjoy little moments of happiness every day and in everything I do, I try to be positive and firm. Then let's get to work if you want to, you can, I’m here at your service.


hola, soy dailen y seria un placer para mi acompanarte en este viaje de vender o comprar tu propiedad, soy de cuba, llegue a los estados unidos hace algo mas de 10 años con una maleta llena de sueños y esperanza, uno de ellas era comprarme mi primera casa, aunque desde nina siempre me apasionaba el mercado de bienes raices, aun cuando no existia el internet me pasaba horas ojeando revistas y disfrutando de las maravillas que el hombre ha podido construir durante los años.
Yo amo ese proceso de construccion y renovacion, de darle vida a una propiedad que ha perdido su brillo. Entonces obtuve mi licencia de bienes raices y puedo ayudarte a conseguir tu casa de la manera mas simple mposible, siendo objetivos y transparentes en el proceso. Me respalda este maravillo equipo de profesionales que son estrellas en el mercado.
Tengo 2 niños de 5 y 7 años que dibujan mis dias de alegría y agradecimiento, adoro pasar tiempo con mi familia y disfrutar los pequenos momentos de felicidad cada dia y en cada cosa que hago, procuro ser positiva y firme. Entonces manos a la obra, si se quiere se puede, aqui estoy a tu orden.

Let’s Talk

We take great pride in ourselves for being recognized as great communicators by our past clients and peers while maintaining the same high quality of service at any price point. Contact us to start your buying or selling goals.

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